What Is Translation Management?

What Is Translation Management?

Brands can produce a lot of content. From simple emails to advertisements to customer surveys— all of it is content. The hardest process for some brands is to translate that content because what took years to create suddenly has to double or even triple in size.

Translation projects can be massive and require numerous moving parts. Your goal isn’t just to give a direct word-for-word translation but to provide a meaningful and understandable one. You’re going to have to deal with different translators and editors, each working with multiple files simultaneously, with various touchpoints. With that much chaos, it’s easy to lose track of what has been finished, which makes for incomplete or rough translations in your final product.

Working on a project using a computer and highlighters on paper

Translation management can help you remove the headache from your next translation or localization project.

Translation Management is Efficient

Translation management software, or a translation management system, takes the intricacies of translation and makes it easy to create, manage, organize, and track. It helps you work faster and smarter.

Translation management systems can even go a step further than organization and help automate the process by creating the first draft of translated content. This automates the repetitive work of translators and editors, giving them a solid translation to build from and allowing them to revise for context and accuracy. It also creates an efficiency building machine translation post editing process.

Who Needs Translation Management?

Anyone who needs to translate as part of their business should use translation management software. The software can take care of the translation process for you so you can tackle any sized project saving you time and money.

What Are the Benefits of Using Translation Management Software?

Here are just a few of the benefits of switching to translation management software for your next translation and localization projects:


Using the right software allows you to scale translation as needed. Translation management software removes the bottlenecks found in translations of project organization and first-round translation.

This reduces the heavy manual labor elements and allows even a small team to scale to much larger projects. No matter how much needs to be translated, the management system automates the translation process and removes the majority of the burden felt by translators.

Retained Brand Loyalty and Voice

Translation management software provides you the opportunity to manage and maintain your brand’s voice and style in every language. You can give guidelines to translators and editors to make your brand have a consistent style and voice, and you can even include custom dictionaries to help translate brand-specific products or terms.

Translation management team sitting together at a table with computers

Magnified Collaboration

The best translations take a team to work together and ensure the translation is correct. Translation management systems allow for custom workflows and alerts to help bring your team together in collaboration.

Tracked Progress

When multiple translators and editors are working on many projects across several languages, it’s easy for tasks to slip through the cracks. Translation management software makes it easier to view, organize, and track each task. It simplifies the process and removes uncertainties about what has or hasn’t been completed.

Saved Time and Money

Because the first draft is automatically generated by the translation management software, you completely remove the most laborious task of translation. Rather than your team spending time having to write out the translation for “water” for the twentieth time, they can spend their time polishing the automated translation to ensure its high quality.

SYSTRAN’s cloud-based translation management engine is built on machine learning. Each time you use it, it becomes better at translating for you, leading to even faster translation times and saving you a bit more money.

Centralized Linguistic Assets

Language is complicated because each person interacts and thinks about language depending on their history and exposure to vocabulary and grammar. This can make translation complicated because each translator or editor has their own history and experience with the words. If left unaddressed, different segments of the same project can feel and sound different. Each part alone may be a good translation, but when used together it’s easy to recognize the change in tone and style.

Dictionary to help with translation management

Translation management software helps fight against the differentiation in translation by providing a centralized linguistic resource. Each translator and editor have access to the same information, notes, style guide, and dictionary to help create a standardized and consistent voice.

Improve Your Translation with SYSTRAN

SYSTRAN offers neural translation software with over 300 languages and domain models to help you get the quality translation you expect. Check out our site to learn more about translation management and other translation features that we offer. While there, you can also learn about partnership opportunities. We’ve partnered with lots of great companies. Some of our TMS partners include Smartcat, Smartling, XTM, and Memsource. Check out our partnership page to see if a TMS partnership is right for your business.

Maria Tola