Ensure Multi-Language Compliance Today, Avoid Massive Costs Tomorrow

Compliance fines cost international companies billions of dollars per year. Are you spending more than you should?
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Group 8016

Compliance Failures Are Expensive   

Failure to detect compliance issues and address them immediately costs regulated companies billions of dollars per year.


Internationally, the price tag is even higher, particularly if language gaps slow down threat detection. And when employees use free, web based language translation applications, they may be unwittingly leaking private customer and company data – itself a massive security risk.


Solving these problems can massively lower fines and penalties and ensure your organization stays compliant.

How we solve it.

SYSTRAN easily integrates with all major communications and monitoring applications, allowing for accurate, instant language translation to identify risks, threats and fraud immediately.


Language translation services do not have the speed or capacity to address these issues to keep up with today’s compliance environment, where real time solutions are mandatory.


With SYSTRAN NMT you gain language translation software that integrates easily into all company workflows while ensuring employees aren’t unintentionally breaking protocols. And it can be installed on-premise, behind your firewall, ensuring all critical security protocols are met.

Group 9055

Our customers talk about it best

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“The major gain to date is to have secured the translation process globally and to have significantly reduced the risk of confidential data leaks.”


Global Language Service Lead


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“SYSTRAN offered the ability to host on private servers and came with the best referral in terms of security and data privacy.”


Tech Lead 

Adidas Brand Marketing

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“We translate highly sensitive information thanks to SYSTRAN’s on-premise MT solution, with internal teams doing post-editing work. It allows us to take the best safety precautions for sensitive data.”


Language Services Lead



SYSTRAN NMT in this solution

Monitoring processes for threats, breaches and fraud often requires dramatic re-tooling when new markets and new languages come into play.


Adopting SYSTRAN NMT into any monitoring workflow is incredibly simple and immediately offers unsurpassed international threat detection capabilities.


Using specialized language domains based on your industry, SYSTRAN NMT immediately understands critical jargon and terminology better than all other translation applications.


Additionally, SYSTRAN NMT’s AI learns as you use it, helping you to standardize non-standard language that accompanies high risk activities and potential breaches.  

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