Real Time eDiscovery That Speaks All Languages

eDiscovery where multiple languages are at play can create major difficulties without the right translation tools.
Human Trans

With eDiscovery, 
Human Translation Is Impossible

Combing through massive data volumes is difficult enough in one language, but complex international cases can create real problems as multiple languages obscure critical evidence.


Waiting for Language Service Providers to translate these huge document stores before they can be analyzed is a non-starter, as speed is critical to every investigation.


Review teams must be not only efficient, but laser focused, and the ambiguity created in a multiple language document set increases the likelihood of a missed detail or fact that can sabotage a case. Solving these issues is critical for favorable results.

How we solve it.

SYSTRAN easily integrates with all major communications, monitoring and review applications, allowing for accurate, instant language translation to uncover the right information at the right time.


Review teams can translate and analyze massive amounts of documents in seconds, no matter the language.


In a world of unknowns, SYSTRAN-powered eDiscovery brings clarity and accuracy, and ensures that you’re best positioned for the win. 

NMT & eDiscovery ebook@2x

Learn the Benefits of Combining NMT & eDiscovery

Our customers talk about it best

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“A key reason of using SYSTRAN was the depth of the integration with Relativity […] the speed and accuracy of the translations were impressive against other providers.”


Managing Director

Alvarez & Marsal (eDiscovery)

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“We work on exclusive content that cannot be released; hence we couldn’t take the risk of working with Google for instance.”


Senior Program Manager Localization 


Customer logos (3)



“SYSTRAN really differentiates itself on the on premise, top secured deployment across the world.”


Managing Director



SYSTRAN NMT in this solution

Leveraging the power of machine translation before documents are reviewed optimizes the eDiscovery process, focusing the efforts of your firms’ legal experts.


Adopting SYSTRAN NMT into the review process streamlines the process immediately, cutting document review times and eliminating language-related ambiguity right out of the box. By using specialized language domains based on industry, SYSTRAN NMT immediately understands critical jargon and terminology better than all other translation applications, providing additional clarity in specialized situations.


Finally, SYSTRAN NMT learns with each translation, increasing its understanding and accuracy not only for your current investigations, but for all investigations to come.

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