Language Service Providers

Machine Traducción Services for Language Service Providers (LSPs)

Neural machine translation software has deeply disrupted the language translation industry, putting old-guard services at risk of losing deals and clients because of now comparatively slow project completion times.


What’s more, many agencies using older TM systems sacrifice critical efficiencies by placing their translation systems after the human reviewer, using it more as a correction accessory than a deep learning translation tool.

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For Language Service Providers,


(Lack of) Speed Kills

Once considered to be substandard to human translation, machine translation has taken a giant leap forward with the use of AI, enabling users to process content in specialized domains to subject expert levels.
LSPs that do not adopt some form of neural translation software today become tomorrow’s afterthought as educated customers begin to experience the speed and results offered by AI-enabled competitors.



Transforms Human Translations

Using SYSTRAN NMT as a first pass translator for documents offers incredible speed - seconds instead of hours to review single pages.
While some MT based translation engines tend to be used after a human has already completed the translation heavy-lifting, SYSTRAN NMT is accurate and sophisticated enough to be used first in the loop.
For large, thousand-page plus documents, this important benefit can revolutionize your agency’s workflow and productivity. And because it learns with every document you translate and can use specialized industry vocabularies, SYSTRAN NMT elevates itself to agency subject matter expert quicker than you can say “you’re hired, SYSTRAN”!
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