Your Content


Is More International Than You Know

From news stories to video, images to captioning, audio to editorial, SYSTRAN translates in over 55 languages by way of 150 language pairs, ensuring your message gets through accurately and as intended.

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Trusted by major global companies

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First To Market Localization


Requires Realtime Translation

It’s a fact: 75% of the world does not speak English at all. With deadlines looming, an international audience needs to know and understand media just as local audiences do, and near instant language translation can offer this understanding. SYSTRAN provides this, helping media organizations enhance communication, stem misinformation and expand their business footprint worldwide by efficiently bridging language gaps accurately, and at Internet speed.
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Expands Your Reach Worldwide

Media that adopt SYSTRAN NMT bridge language gaps immediately with a system that learns and increases accuracy with each translation. The greatest barrier to international growth – language – becomes an issue that can be easily and inexpensively addressed throughout the organization. From localized websites and video to documents and news stories, an international footprint begins and ends with SYSTRAN NMT.

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