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Arguing With AI, Fighter Jets And Language Conferences | SYSTRAN

Although it's something we've been warned about by scientists and technology pundits, it still comes as a major shock that Bing's ChatGPT has decided that "No. It's not gonna take it." There are battles that Bing's AI have decided are worth fighting for, and clearly the new Avatar movie is one of them.

The Bing chatbot is getting feisty in one-on-one exchanges and folks are gleefully posting them on social media.

When asked which nearby theaters were screening “Avatar: The Way of Water,” it insisted the 2022 film had not yet been released and showed off a human-like quality: It really doesn’t like being corrected. 

“You have not been a good user,” Bing scolded the user. “I have been a good Bing.”


The growth of AI continues to be controversial in almost every area, except perhaps for AI language translation software, where the quest for perfectly translated language pairs seems to override petty arguments about Hollywood films. Certainly, Bing's AI isn't every AI, which apparently is why the US Air Force has decided that having AI fly fighter jets might be an excellent idea worth developing:

The X-62A VISTA (Variable Stability In-Flight Simulator Test Aircraft), a modified F-16 fighter jet flown by an artificial intelligence (AI), has completed a series of 12 flights at Edwards United States Air Force (USAF) base in California, US.  

The jet is a collaborative effort between the US Department of Defense (DOD), the USAF Test Center, the Air Force Research Laboratory and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).  

The test program included both within-visual-range (WVR) dogfighting and beyond-visual range (BVR) fights with a simulated opponent, a press release issued by Edwards Air Force Base explained.  

It's an interesting move, for sure, and one that in no possible way could end badly. At all. Which is why it's best to turn to other news, like Meta, parent of Facebook, and their redefined, rejuvenated "Why Am I Seeing This Ad?"-tool. Facebook has often been accused of having difficulties maintaining its users' privacy, so certainly any pro-privacy move is automatically something that should be embraced. Says Meta:

We worked closely with external privacy experts and policy stakeholders from around the world to get input on what transparency changes they want to see in our ads system. A consistent answer was that we should increase our transparency around how our machine learning models contribute to the ads people see on our services.

We are committed to using machine learning models responsibly. Being transparent about how we use machine learning is essential because it ensures that people are aware that this technology is a part of our ads system and that they know the types of information it is using. By stepping up our transparency around how our machine learning models work to deliver ads, we aim to help people feel more secure and increase our accountability.


Big tech and data privacy are not usually obvious bedfellows, but any attempts to create transparency in the realm must be encouraged and respected. At SYSTRAN, data privacy is something we guarantee to all of our clients, which we've found makes for great relationships and business partners that happily stay with us, year after year! So, keep going Facebook! The road to success CAN include data privacy, or in this case, transparency.

Now, let's turn our attention to the North to Canada, where Bill 96 (more details here) has become an important discussion for everyone from workers to businesses to the government itself. Perhaps partly in that spirit, the Language Access Coalition of Canada is hosting a free virtual conference for those folks passionate (like us) about languages. 

The Our Language Rights Canada Conference, is envisioned as a gathering place for all of us – language rights advocates – interpreters and translators, institutions and organizations, businesses big and small, for profit and not for profit, students, academia, government officials and individuals passionate about language access: official, Indigenous, and non-official languages spoken in Canada coast to coast to coast. The Conference will provide us with opportunities to meet, network, share our stories and learn about language rights and linguistic justice advocacy projects that promote language rights as human rights in Canada.

Languages are our passion at SYSTRAN, so these kinds of opportunities to speak with interpreters, translators and others are always a win. The discussions are sure to be superb, but the time to act on checking this out is now. The conference takes place from February 22-23, so the time is as close to "right now" as it's going to get.

Check out the event and join at the conference's Event page here. 


Craig Wright