Why Marketing Agencies Need Translation Software

Despite what many may believe, there is a growing need for marketing agencies to utilize translation software consistently. Find out why translation software for marketing agencies is becoming necessary and the benefits of having it available for your agency and your clients.

Translation Is No Longer Optional for Marketing Agencies

With markets continually growing and intermingling, it is becoming an industry standard that marketing agencies must be able to target any market, no matter which language they speak.

A comprehensive team of translators is a prohibitively expensive investment for most agencies. That is where translation software like SYSTRAN can help. SYSTRAN is the most powerful machine translation software on the market, providing fast and accurate translations.

So rather than hiring a large team of translators, a much smaller crew of translators is needed to verify the machine translations and adjust when necessary. By working with translation software, a translator can improve their efficiency, productivity, and accuracy so your agency and clients can gain the benefits of accurate translation.


The Benefits of Translation for Marketing and Advertising

Choosing to include translation software in a marketing agency opens the doors for the agency and its clients. Some of the benefits and opportunities of using translation software include:


  • Penetrate wider markets: While English is a major language when doing business, it is not the only language of business. By translating content into more languages, you can quickly access more global markets and have a broader reach while utilizing the same marketing projects you have already created and initiated.
  • Increase website traffic: Consumers only use websites they can read and understand. No matter how great the website is, if users cannot readily understand the content, they will look elsewhere. By translating your website content, more consumers will be able to view and understand the content. This can improve traffic rates to your site, particularly over time.
  • Boost consumer trust: People prefer content and information in their own language. Meeting this expectation improves your relationship with customers and builds their trust with your brand. Goods and services presented in a non-native language can often lack relatability, even if the end product is indeed well suited to the user.
  • Improve SEO and SEM: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are a major part of today’s digital landscape. They help improve your brand’s visibility online, which drives more traffic and business to your company. SEO and SEM are not limited to English. By translating content and providing multi-language support on its website, a brand can expand its digital footprint, gain higher rankings, and achieve better search results (even in English).
  • Gain a competitive advantage: Translation sets a business apart from a crowd of competitors. By offering translated marketing content, a business stands out and gains a competitive advantage against competitors who do not bother to communicate their brand message to a customer’s language.

The Benefits of Localization

Translation only focuses on the language and words used in the content. For most marketing agencies, it is enough to take an existing marketing strategy and translate the content for a new market. But there is an even better option: localization.

Localization is the process of not only adapting to a different language, but also adapting content to meet the local customs and culture of the targeted audience. What may be culturally acceptable and relevant in one part of the world may be inappropriate or even offensive elsewhere.

For example, a marketing campaign in the United States can reference major sports like football, basketball, and baseball and assume the audience automatically identifies with and understands those sports. However, if the target market is from another country, those cultural touch points may seem foreign and irrelevant. No matter how accurate the translation is, the cultural dissonance caused by ill-fitting references and societal cues will doom the marketing project to failure.

The localization process addresses those cultural needs. Just as translation aims to maintain the ideas shared in a piece of content no matter which language it appears in; localization aims to maintain the cultural and societal needs.

The biggest benefit of localization is that it helps an agency’s advertisements feel native to their target audience. This makes it easier to enter new markets while increasing brand loyalty and awareness.


SYSTRAN delivers real-time translation services with the most advanced machine translation software available while also providing companies with tools to help manage their translation projects. Utilizing both artificial intelligence and machine learning, SYSTRAN provides translations in over 50 languages.

Discover more about the capabilities of SYSTRAN translation software and find out how it can serve your agency.

Jennifer Kelley