4 Easy Steps to TMS Integration

An integrated translation management system (TMS) can help you assign translation projects, monitor their progress, and run reports. But what does it take to get an integrated TMS? Find out more about what a TMS is and how you can start seeing its benefits with four easy steps.

What Does TMS Stand For?

TMS stands for translation management system. Companies use this software to track and organize the translation process. TMS creates a centralized location for translations and helps facilitate collaboration between teams that interact with it.

What Are the Benefits of Using a TMS?

Using a TMS helps streamline and organize the entire translation process. Even if you use a translation software like SYSTRAN, a TMS automatically ensures all of your content is translated and returned to the right location once complete. It also greatly aids in the machine translation post editing process.

Your TMS also provides an at-a-glance view of your translation projects. This helps make sure that nothing gets left behind or forgotten. Even when dealing with a massive content volume, the TMS makes it easy to track your projects.

What Is TMS Integration?

Integration is the process of making sure the existing programs and applications your business uses can communicate and work in unison with your new TMS. Integration allows programs to smoothly share information, which helps your internal processes become more streamlined and optimized.

The Four Steps of Integration

Four major points within the integration process will help make sure your TMS is working optimally.

1) Consultation

Integration starts before purchase with a consultation from the TMS provider. The consultation involves collecting information from your company about the intent and workload you expect the TMS to handle and other software involved within the integration process. The consultation helps the TMS provider know if your business is a good fit for their product.

3) Initial Evaluation

If you and the TMS provider decide to move forward, the next step is for them to perform a more thorough evaluation of your current systems. This includes identifying any potential problems and providing you with a realistic expectation for how effective integration will be.

Most TMS providers will also provide you with a comprehensive view of what needs to be done to integrate your systems successfully. While there are some similarities between integrations, your process should be customized for your business. It will address your system’s specific needs and how to integrate the TMS for your organization best.

4) Implementation

At this stage, follow the detailed integration plan from the TMS provider. This could be as simple as installing the program or as complex as a system-wide reboot of your database.

Make sure to follow each step of the process that is outlined for you by your TMS provider. Don’t skip over or undervalue the simple steps because it may lead to unwanted bugs or issues with the integration.
Final Evaluation
Once the TMS is successfully installed and integrated, your organization should perform a performance evaluation. This puts your integrated TMS to the test and sees if the TMS and the integrated functions are functioning as they should.

Because patches, version updates, and other software can change how your system functions, additional performance evaluations should take place after any change to your system.

Translate Faster and Cheaper with SYSTRAN

With over 50 years of experience, SYSTRAN is an industry leader in translation software. Contact us for more information about the TMS integration process or automated translation solutions.

Maria Tola